Karewa He Whare Whakaruruhau
Named after the late Karewa William Arthur born on 3rd November 1940 in Hawera, Taranaki from Takapūwahia, Porirua NZ. Married to his beloved wife the beautiful Marie Chistina Arthur (Nee Green) with their eight children. Karewa is the tiaki of our men’s shelter his lived experiences and legacy embody the objective of our men’s shelter. Karewa and his whānau quite commonly opened their home to anyone who was in need of a roof over their head, no judgement was ever made and everyone was welcomed into the whānau and were treated as such, from tamariki, rangatahi, wāhine, tāne, kaumātua to even dogs and animals were given a safe space to heal. The Porirua Whānau Centre joins the Arthur whānau in honoring, and remembering this awesome legacy left by Karewa William Arthur with the Karewa he whare whakaruruhau opened May 2023 by his direct whānau, his mokopuna’s, children, cousins and people he influenced, blessed by kaumātua Dr Taku Parai.

The Meihana assessment model is a kaupapa Māori approach to support our tāne and identify how we can āwhina them. We understand to make a true difference for everyone that walks through our doors, we need to fully understand the taiao or environment our tāne are experiencing. Sometimes it’s not just our direct client that requires āwhina, commonly it is the whānau too. For example, financial stress for our tāne can be alleviated by offering their tamariki childcare, holiday program or job assistance for their rangatahi through mana motuhake.
Karewa He Whare Whakaruruhau will work with whānau and tāne to support:
Long-term healing, free from past trauma, and able to lead self-reliant lives.
Connected to their identity, whānau, and whakapapa.
Empowered to make mana-enhancing decisions.
Access to mana enhancing opportunities.
Guidance while they navigate through their journey
The Shelter is based in Tawa and is for our tāne who receive a Police Safety Order and need somewhere safe to go or a roof over their head for the duration of the Police Safety Order period.
If you are male and have received a Police Safety Order, perhaps you are required to leave your home or place of abode? Submit a referral below and email your Police Safety Order to enquiry@poriruawhanau.org.nz
In addition to housing, tāne receives wrap-around and navigational support from kaupapa Māori health, social, education, employment, and cultural services. Our kaimahi connects you with PWC services and collaborates with many organizations to cater to your needs.
Kawa - Rules
Curfew is in place for safety, shelter closes up at 9pm and everyone who is staying that night must be inside by that time - no excuses.
Shelter opens for the night at 5pm closes up at 9pm to new tāne.
Be respectful of the home and tāne.
Tāne must have a Police Safety Order.
Contact us on 04 237 7749 for more information or drop by the office in Cannons Creek - 16 Bedford Court, Cannons Creek, Porirua