Our Families / Our Taonga
Our vision is to improve the ability of whānau to be self-reliant.
Our mission is to provide culturally appropriate and integrated services that complement and enhance the health, social, education, and economic well-being of whānau, including the provision of social housing.
2024 PWC AGM
Thursday 12th December 2024, 11:30am
16 Bedford Court, Cannons Creek, Porirua 5024
Our Services
Our services range from babies, tamariki, rangatahi, and adults, right through to kaumātua services. Find out more information here.
Building Financial Capabilty: Budgeting
Budget your money.
Manage your debt and avoid traps.
Improve your financial literacy
Book your FREE session now!
Sessions available in Porirua, Wellington City (Wellington DCM) and Upper Hutt, click below to book your free session
Starting in 2004, Creekfest is a local annual event held within Cannons Creek to raise awareness of programmes and services available in the region to improve the health and well-being for our whānau. Each annual event aims to promote local businesses, local talent, and raise whānau hauora. Creekfest 2023 is coming up fast, find out more information here.
Tiaki Ariki Tournment - Kowaiau
On the 26th October 2023, local schools in Porirua competed in our Tiaki Ariki Tournament.
The game is similar to Dodge ball with a few twists, the aim is to protect your Ariki from the other teams. Four teams compete at the same time on court. The other teams goal is to either hit everyone else with the dodge ball - getting them out or hit the Ariki with the ball to get the whole team out. But be aware if someone catches your throw from another team on a full (no bounces) then the person who threw the ball is out.
Tiaki Ariki Tournament 2024 took place at Te Rauparaha Arena with the undefeated winners - Papakōwhai School. Click on the button below for more videos and photos of our amazing tamariki
Announcements /Updates
“Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou”
“Ole ala ile pule ole tautua”
“Toto hau tokiga nei, aua na tupulaga e fai mai”
Upcoming events.
“Ko ia ne kumikumi mua e pulotu, ko ia e tagata ka moua e kamataaga he
“Kia āriki au i tōku tupuranga, ka ora uatu rai tōku reo”