Ratonga - All Services
Our services.
Mātua Power
Our programme ensures our Matua are connected to the wider community with various activities including karakia, waiata, kanikani, korero, exercise, excursions, games, quizzes, community speakers and finish with kai. We have initiated a wellness register so we can check-up on our matua who have not attended any sessions in some time following up with wellbeing checks. Whitireia Room every Wednesday 10am – 12.00pm.
Mana Wāhine
We offer a safe space for wāhine to participate in healing strategies intended to be Fun and Interactive. There is No pressure. Our space is YOUR space. We empower wāhine to be responsive, enjoy korero or, just listen. Programmes have included Aromatherapy, Waka ama, Raranga Harakeke Weaving workshops, Yoga, Walking, Music workshop activating your Physical, Mental, spiritual and Creative Juices. Every Thursday 9.15am – 12.00pm
Mana Tāne
We welcome and encourage Tāne to come and offload shared experiences in our safe environment. Programmes include Music Therapy, Haka, Kai Preparation, Whānau counsel. Feel free to awhi each other and make use of our trained facilitators, YOU lead, we listen. Every Thursday 1pm – 2.00pm.
Parenting Programme
Te Whare Tapa Wha Parenting Programme FREE parenting and life skill programmes designed to support parents with skills and strategies to be positive role models for their children. We encourage your whānau connection ensuring your Mental, Spiritual, Physical welfare needs are met. Rangitotoia Room every Tuesday 10.00am-12.00pm
Mana Mōtuhake Programme
Mana Motuake Programme Our programme is for rangatahi aged 16-25 years. We aim to help you achieve further Education and Employment. Our Team presents with positive reinforcement and professional advice. We value your contribution to manaakitanga, whanaungatanga philosophies.
He Oranga Poutama
He Oranga Poutama Programme Our community minded programme is to encourage connections and develop self-awareness for our vulnerable Tamariki. Indoor and Outdoor activities (weather permitting) are targeted to release energy and mental stimulation through energetic games, play, work, and team bonding, includes Karakia, and finish with Kai. Every Wednesday 3.30pm – 5.00pm
HIPPY Programme
HIPPY Programme Our FREE Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters encourages a Love of Learning. The homebased programme for children aged between 3 ½ and 4 ½ years fosters a positive teaching method. HIPPY supply training materials and two years of Kaimahi support are all linked to the learning outcomes in the early childhood curriculum framework, Te Whaariki, or the New Zealand framework for primary schools. Email: enquiry@poriruawhanau.org.nz
Kowaiau Programme
Kowaiau Programme Our programme for Tamariki aged 5-9 years addresses antisocial behavioural issues and highlights the importance of Self-control, Self-confidence, and Handling confrontation. Our positive reinforcement and activities prepare our Tamariki to Stand Strong, Be Calm and Stay Safe. The Kowaiau educational programmes are held on school premises. Would your school benefit from this programme? Contact TJ: email tj@poriruawhanau.org.nz
Te Rēhia - Tamariki Oscar Holiday Programme
Our OSCAR holiday programme for Tamariki aged 5-10 years is Culturally Responsive, Age Appropriate and Fun! Available to clients only. Places are secured upon receipt of payment. For more information email: enquiry@poriruawhanau.org.nz
Te Rēhia - Rangatahi Breakaway Programme
Our FREE Breakaway Holiday Programme caters to youth ages 11-17 years. The focus is on engaging in activities that Challenge, Motivate and Encourage positive social interaction whilst meeting new friends and having a break away from the normal routine of daily living. Book early to confirm your place. Programme runs January and April holidays only
Whānau Support Advocacy
We provide information and Social Work Counselling Services. Our on-site Specialist Advisors’ assist Whānau resolve issues with Confidential, Cultural and Professional Guidance. Our counsellors are qualified and available by appointment only. There is NO cost to use Porirua Whānau Centre Social Services. If we are unable to provide a solution, we have networks and contacts to help access other community services. Book a referral online or email: enquiry@poriruawhanau.org.nz
Budgeting Services
We provide financial mentors that support whānau with an in-depth programme to strengthen financial goals and aspirations. The programme offers seven sessions facilitated on a one-to-one basis with a financial mentor. Please secure an appointment for your financial wellbeing. Book a referral online or email: enquiry@poriruawhanau.org.nz
Satellite Services
We can assist you with information pertaining to external services. NZ Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry (INZ 1025), Work and Income NZ (WINZ), Māori Legal Services, Children’s Ear Van, Curtain Bank.
Emergency Transitional Housing
Porirua Whānau Centre have a limited number of houses available to people needing accommodation for a short period while seeking permanent accommodation. Email: enquiry@poriruawhanau.org.nz
Social Housing
As the Porirua Whanau Centre values the importance of whanau accessing warm, safe and secure housing we have made considerable investments to ensure all our houses exceed the insulation requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986. It is pleasing to say that all our houses are now fully insulated and heated to a level that is above the legal requirements. We believe that this is not only an investment in our properties but more so an investment in the future health of whanau we support in our housing portfolio.
Childcare - Early Childhood Education
Porirua Whānau Centre offers a licensed Early Childhood Education (ECE) Centre that follows NZ Te Whāriki, the Ministry of Education’s Early Childhood curriculum, and endorses Ka Hikita, the Māori Education Strategy.
We provide counselling for individuals, couples and family members. Counselling provides a safe place where a client can be heard without judgement, and also provides a framework where clients better understand themselves and their circumstances.
Korowai Services
Our Korowai Social Support Team are dedicated to providing culturally appropriate support that encourage whānau to self-identify their current challenges and collaborate with the team to develop a plan that supports the aspirations and whānau wawata to achieve positive outcomes
Family Violence Prevention Network
Family Violence Prevention Network covers contracts with Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Justice and Department of Corrections. Our Family Violence Prevention Coordinator continues to do a good job networking within the Porirua Community. Every month Tavita will reach out to the network and host a network meeting at the Porirua Whānau Centre. He will invite a guest speaker who address the Network monthly about their services, tools or notices of benefit to those working in Family Violence Prevention.
Me Te Aroha Non- Violence Programme
Me te Aroha is the Porirua Whānau Centres’ Court Mandated Non Violence Programme. Me te Aroha is delivered through a kaupapa Māori lens to assist male perpetrators of family violence. It is our aim to equip these tane with a toolkit to overcome harmful behaviors. The programme has been prepared in recognition of the following principles for Family Violence interventions: RNR (risk-need-responsivity); paramountcy of victims, especially children; accountability of the agent of violence and support for that person to make positive change; kaupapa Māori programmes for Māori; ecological and integrated/co-ordinated response.