
Ko wai au is a resilience programme for tamariki years 4-8. The programme, introduced in 2014, is delivered in the school curriculum over two school terms.

‘Ko wai au’ has a two-fold meaning, “Who am I?” and the answer, “I am Water”. ‘Ko wai au’ addresses bullying, obesity, and anti-social behaviours by reinforcing positive values, self-control, discipline, and mental and physical health awareness. The programme addresses issues involving bullying, truancy, obesity and anti-social behaviours. This is achieved by enhancing peer relationships, empathy, education engagement, healthy lifestyles and positive role modelling.

The Programme teaches students to respect each other by highlighting the importance of self-control, self-confidence and the ability to walk away from confrontation. These tools allow the students to feel safe and provide an environment conducive for learning.

Using a holistic approach focusing on three general areas, social, cultural, and physical, ‘Ko wai au’ aims to equip students with the tools to work through confrontation and negative emotions and build confidence through cultural knowledge and identity. Sessions include tamariki learning maurākau commands that depict landmarks of Porirua, and the Pūrākau and ture of traditional Māori games.

The Social Self Confidence lessons teach the students to stand strong and be calm in confrontation.

The Physical Sessions include a crossfit workout, followed by the learning and playing of traditional Maori games.

The Cultural Sessions combine Maurakau movements that depict Porirua land marks and the learning of the haka, ‘Te Ara o Tawhaki’

If you want your school to benefit from this programme contact TJ on 04 237 7749 or you can email to tj@poriruawhanau.org.nz 

‘Ko wai au’ continues to be embraced by the community and has received positive feedback and support from students and teachers.

This year Tj, Hemi and Lia delivered the Ko Wai Au Programme to Tairangi, Seventh Day Adventist, Porirua, Rangikura, Natone Park, Cannons Creek, Glenview, Windley and Titahi Bay School.

We acknowledge the continued support of Nuku Ora, whose partnership ensures the successful delivery of ‘Ko wai au’ to our community. (Annual Report 2021-2022)

“Thank you for coming into Windley School and doing fun games and fun activities. I really enjoyed the cup games and Māori games and I enjoyed everything that you did for us. I enjoyed having Ko wai au in Windley school. I hope you come back next year.” - Matthew Mafuolo

Check out our Kowaiau session videos on Youtube below…