Mana Wāhine
We offer a safe space for wāhine to participate in long term healing strategies intended to be Fun and Interactive. There is No pressure. Our space is YOUR space.
We empower wāhine to be responsive, enjoy korero or, just listen. Programmes have included Aromatherapy, Waka ama, Raranga Harakeke Weaving workshops, Yoga, Walking, bike riding, Music workshop activating your Physical, Mental, spiritual and Creative Juices.
Connecting with Tangaroa on the water using waka ama, swimming and listening to the waterfall on a hīkoi through the ngahere. We know connecting with Taiao and our whēnua can assist our wāhine’s healing. Using culturally appropriate activities such as Raranga - weaving harakeke can assist our wāhine with connecting to their culture & identity.
Every Thursday 11.30am – 2.30pm
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