He Oranga Poutama
Every Wednesday 3:30-5pm
He Oranga Poutama supports long-term healing for those in our community who are vulnerable to family harm. Our focus is to strengthen Te Whare Tapa Wha by demonstrating quality time through waiata, karakia, korero, kēmu and kai. We also hold activities outdoors as often as weather permits.
Each week whānau are invited to Porirua Whānau Centre to share experiences and follow up on their individual and whānau goals.
He Oranga Poutama means “the stairway to wellbeing.” Welcoming whānau to attend 3:30-5:00pm every Wednesday (excluding school term break).
He Oranga Poutama programme supports rangatahi in the first instance and whānau with a combination of Me te Aroha and Tu Kaha to address long term healing from violence and abuse and to build resilience. Diving, waka ama, driving lessons and Te reo classes are some of the support therapies.